Support for children and young people with limb differences and their families

Personal stories

  1. Raphael 6

    Raphael's upper limb difference will not stop him

    Rafy's a one-handed superhero!

  2. Seb 2

    Little Seb kicking mighty goals

    Seb is an adventurous and friendly seven-year old boy and is making his way as an increasingly independent amputee.

  3. Arav 7

    Arav, the considerate and kind boy

    Arav was born with limb differences affecting all four of his limbs, something that wasn’t discovered until after his birth.

  4. Congenital Child Tennis

    Children and adolescents with upper limb differences

    Evidence for upper limb prosthesis prescription, and how prosthetists and occupational therapists collaborate to achieve the best outcomes for children who do or don’t use a prosthesis.

  5. Returing to school after a limb amputation

    Is my child missing out by not wearing an upper limb prosthesis?

    Dr Sasaka Bandaranayake discusses the multitude of individualised factors to consider when deciding whether an upper limb prosthesis will suit and be accepted by a child.

  6. Front cover 3

    The power of peer support

    Trent explains how peer support helped him to come to the decision to have a below-knee amputation when he was 16. Trent’s amputation has given him a new lease on life, and an enduring relationship with his ‘amputee peer’

  7. William 2

    Walking with William

    William lost his leg in an accident when he was two and half. His parents, Sally and David, talk about how William has flourished over the last few years by taking part in events that allow him to connect with amputees of all ages.

  8. Ava Da Silva and Gordon Ramsay 2 002

    For the love of Sienna

    Ava talks about the love she has for her big sister Sienna, who was born with upper limb differences, and the charitable ways she is raising community awareness of diversity and Limbs 4 Life.

  9. Charlotte Sitting 2

    Charlotte’s little arm

    Narelle and Shaun share the story of their daughter Charlotte who was born with an upper limb difference. They talk about Charlotte’s sense of determination and willingness to learn new skills - her own way.

  10. Knitting

    Deb’s story

    Deb shares her experiences of being a mother in the ‘70s when access to limb difference information and support was limited.

  11. Mia1 small

    Touched by Olivia

    This charity works to building inclusive play spaces, where children can play side-by-side regardless of ability.

  12. Kayla small

    Kayla’s letter to children

    A message to other children with a limb difference that going to school is great and to always have a go.

  13. Dr Gemma small

    Body image in children with limb differences

    Dr Gemma Tatangelo discusses children’s body image and ways in which resilience can be built in those who live with limb difference.

  14. Jason Rowing1

    Living with limb difference since childhood

    After a childhood accident Jason Honeychurch spent 6 painful years trying to save his leg. He tells us about his important decision to become an amputee.

  15. Brian3

    Wheelchair basketball, an inclusive sport

    When Brian Carminati began playing wheelchair basketball he found health and fitness, self-confidence and a new direction.

  16. Chris Anderson small

    Stuntman Chris Anderson

    Professional stuntman and amputee Chris Anderson talks about his workplace accident and why TV shows with dangerous stunts warn you ‘don’t try this at home’.

  17. Kylie

    Knowing no limits

    Born with a congenital upper limb difference, Kylie Franson has built a career as an educator who talks about life with a physical disability.

  18. Rohan1 e1456791496848

    Rohan the ray of sunshine

    Dad Justin talks about his experience advocating for his son Rohan to get the right diagnosis, support and outcomes.

  19. Kate1 e1456791345818

    Kate's story

    Kate is mum to Izabella, who has born with an hand limb difference. She reveals how they have embraced her difference.

  20. Alex and Mark e1453946017743

    Alex and his family’s story

    Alex is a sporty, funny boy who has adjusted well to his congenital lower limb differences. Read this article about Alex and his family.

  21. Lachlan e1453944751946

    Lachie and his family's story

    Lachie lives with a congenital arm limb difference. Read this news article about him, and the limitless potential his family sees in him.

  22. Knox Advertisement e1453949633488

    Ad celebrates diversity

    Knox, who lives with an arm limb difference, shone for his soccer skills in a TV ad that celebrated difference.

  23. Knox 1 small e1447217185506

    Knox Gibson - drumming to his own beat

    Knox’s mum Kate shares their story of his accident, the difficult decision to amputate, his prosthesis and ongoing care.

  24. SCH SCHN LOGO STACKED RGB e1447725055539

    Meet the Limb Clinic Team at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick

  25. DSAA Photo 2 e1447217876259

    Let’s go surfing … with the Disabled Surfers Association of Australia

  26. Ben Brizzi 2 e1447218208710

    Going toe-to-toe with Ben Brizzi

    Boxer, sportsman and demon dancer, Ben talks about growing up with a limb difference, family support and advances in prosthetic technologies.

  27. Alex Photo e1447217997376

    Photos of children with limb differences

    Melbourne photographer Zaharoula Harris talks about how she started taking award-winning images of children with limb differences.

  28. Patrick Mc Qualter e1441166285669

    Patrick McQualter, Prosthetist (Orthodaedic Appliances)

  29. Ben Swain Photo 2

    Ben Swain, from lawyer to Australian Cycling Champion

    From tying shoelaces to competing as an elite cyclist – Ben Swain reveals his perseverance overcoming the challenges of congenital limb differences affecting his hands and one foot.

  30. Harry Mitten Photo 2

    Harry, the little boy who just happens to have an arm limb difference

    Parents Jen and Peter share their ideas about giving son Harry a childhood like any other, as well as helpful books and blogs.

  31. Jake2

    Offering a helping hand

    Jake Widjaya wants to share with families his short film about living with a hand limb difference.

  32. Shane Luke 2 e1437960523843

    Living, playing and working with prosthetics

    Shane is a world-class golfer and a lower limb amputee. As a prosthesis wearer and a prosthetic technician he shares his insights into the industry.

  33. Latrobe Student Cynthia 2 e1437960319928

    Prosthetists and Orthotists of the future (La Trobe University students)

  34. Gemma

    Gemma’s story

    People who know Gemma don't offer to help until asked – she is determined not to be limited by her arm limb difference.

  35. Di Guglielmo Family

    What I didn’t expect when I was expecting

    Lucas’ mum Maria talks about coming to terms with his congenital lower limb difference as it is just a small part of him.

  36. Prosthetic Leg 7

    Talking about Victor's leg

    Mum Ruth describes how she created a storybook to help talk to the other kinder kids about her son Victor’s prosthetic leg.

  37. Keiran Weston

    You are still you

    Keiren lost a leg in an accident. His mum Peta talks about staying strong as a parent and his motto of ‘don’t become the disability’.

  38. Claudia and Lucas Di Guglielmo

    My brother and I

    Claudia Di Guglielmo talks about living with and helping her brother Lucas, who has a lower limb difference.

  39. Josh thornton bowling

    The greener side of life

    Josh Thornton talks about his life with congenital upper limb differences, his love of sport and finding lawn bowls as the competitive sport for him.

  40. Leo Donnan

    Prof. Leo Donnan, Orthopaedic Surgeon

  41. Shail

    Shail Maharaj, Physiotherapist

  42. Sarah Walsh 5 2015

    Sarah jumps for goals

    Athlete, advocate and amputee, Sarah talks about her achievements on and off the sporting field.

  43. Col 2

    Col's run of a lifetime

    Col likes colourful prosthetic legs. His current leg was signed by his heroes the day he met his favourite AFL team.

  44. Jessica Fraser

    My little hand

    Jessica Fraser feels lucky to have a little hand. She shares tips for explaining a difference at school, getting dressed and using a keyboard.

  45. Limbs4life 33

    Finding your own way

    Gary Johnston is a person with a limb difference and an amputee. He talks about his lucky life and the importance of being who you are.

  46. Paul Byer 1

    Doing everything and more

    Paul Byers lost an arm as a child. He says overcoming a limb loss is easy compared to tackling people’s perception of what he can do.

  47. Geoff

    The power of networking

    Thalidomide survivor Geoff Adams-Spink is part of the global group lobbying governments to gain recognition for all forms of congenital limb difference.

  48. Brooke Shane and Milla

    Our beautiful daughter

    Parents Shane and Brooke talk about daughter Milla’s lower limb difference, her determination and finding support from Facebook groups.

  49. Lucas Di Guglielmo with Soccer Ball

    Lucas the Ninja Turtle

    Lucas remembers taking his first steps, shares tips for talking about his limb difference and his plans to become a prosthetist.